March 28, 2023 | ACES News, AGILE, All Posts


A.C.E.S, LLC is proud to announce we now offer the new #ScaledAgileFramework 6.0 certification courses, including SAFe for Teams (SP), Product Owner / Product Manager (POPM), Leading SAFe (SA), Lean Portfolio Management (LPM), and SAFe Scrum Master (SSM). SAFe 6.0 is a comprehensive update from version 5.1 and includes many new and advanced practices alongside a new Big Picture (BP) and terminology updates.

The 6.0 update has six primary themes:

  1. Strengthening the foundation for Business Agility®
  2. Empowering teams and clarifying responsibilities
  3. Accelerating value flow
  4. Enhancing Business Agility with SAFe across the business
  5. Building the future with AI, Big Data, and Cloud
  6. Delivering better outcomes with measure and grow and OKR’s

Read more here.

You can count on Agile Consulting & Educational Services, LLC to provide you the latest in #agile certifications, among others, and we will be adding more updated course as they are released by #ScaledAgile.

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