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    Artificial Intelligence CAIEC™

    Languages (Materials & Exams):  English 

    Expand your knowledge in AI, the most effective Machine Learning and Deep Learning. Master the bases of neural networks architecture and the strengths of the many libraries and tools you will have at your disposal such as Python and TensorFlow among many others.

    Understand the capabilities, challenges, and consequences of deep learning and prepare to participate in the development of leading-edge AI technology.


    Artificial Intelligence CAIPC™

    Languages (Materials & Exams):  English, Spanish

    This certification focuses on clustering problems for unsupervised machine learning with K-Means algorithm. For Supervised machine learning, we will describe the classification problem with a demonstration of the design trees algorithm and the regression one with an example of linear regression.



    Big Data

    Languages (Materials & Exams):  English, Portuguese, Spanish

    Understand the importance of analysis of data and how you can get ideas that lead to better business decisions and strategic movements.

    This certification is intended to teach professionals and organizations to identify problems in an understandable way using Big Data, to provide useful solutions with a large amount of information and with data that can be shaped or tested in any way deemed appropriate.


    Blockchain BCPC™

    Languages (Materials & Exams):  English, Spanish

    This certification reviews the evolution of Blockchain technology, the industry’s future, and how the BiBi 4.0 will influence the future of the industry’s development.

    This certification will provide a first approach to a comprehensive solution for a company that can support efficiency, control, trust, traceability, and processes to generate disruptive and positive changes for any sector.

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